Off The Record Podcast

Mastering Cybersecurity: Jainam's Enlightening Journey Through Graduate Studies and Beyond | A Conversation with Jainam Basra | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

Episode Summary

Immerse yourself in Jainam's captivating expedition as he navigates the complexities of cybersecurity through his graduate studies. This thought-provoking narrative unravels the invaluable lessons.

Episode Notes

Guest: Jainam Basra, Cybersecurity Analyst and Technuf

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Host: Saman Fatima

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Episode Description

Are you from India? Wishing to come to the USA for your studies? Is your dream university - the University of Maryland? If yes, grab a pen, paper, and water, and you are all good to know everything. From researching the dream university to getting selected and beating the elephant in the room (i.e. the VISA process) to settling up - you need to know EVERYTHING because, at the end of the day, it is a foreign land with a lot of newness, loneliness, and self-dependency.



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Episode Transcription

Mastering Cybersecurity: Jainam's Enlightening Journey Through Graduate Studies and Beyond | A Conversation with Jainam Basra | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

12:14:38 Hi everyone, welcome to another episode on off the record with me summon and here we will be traversing with another student with another college and with another degree altogether.

12:14:51 So today we beat talking about the MS course in cybersecurity from University of Maryland and we have genom here with us who will be walking us through his experience.

12:15:04 In the fall of 2022. And he is getting graduated soon in another week. So that's like the best best thing you're that would be celebrating with him.

12:15:16 And before we down more into the questions and everything. Jenna, why don't you introduce yourself?

12:15:22 Where are you currently situated? Okay, we're going to come from, like which country in place and what course are you doing?

12:15:28 Sure, absolutely. Thank you so much, Saman. Hi everyone, I'm Gina Masara.

12:15:34 I'm from Gujarat, India. I did my completed my undergraduate in the year at 2020 in the field of information technology.

12:15:41 Then I worked for 2 years as a security analyst in which I used to perform financial testing and whenever the assessment on various web applications, mobile applications and network base applications.

12:15:51 And after that I thought that I would definitely need to learn more and explore more in the field of cybersecurity and that is when I applied for master's in the year.

12:16:02 2022. Then I got admitted into the University of Maryland, Valtimore County and yeah, as you said next week I'll be graduating.

12:16:19 Right.

12:16:28 Absolutely.

12:16:31 Thank you.

12:16:09 That's amazing and congratulations again. It's like a big win finally. You know, I know like it's been 2 years and studying and you know, obviously taking a break off to the undergrad when you go to the corporate and then again to the It's, so congratulations for all your hard work and we have no pictures like seeing on your LinkedIn profile and we have more pictures of all your hard work and we have more pictures like seeing on your LinkedIn profile on your

12:16:38 Yeah.

12:16:38 graduation. So that's amazing. So, let's start with the basic things like, you would have applied 2 tons or multiple colleges.

12:16:47 Here in the United States and how did University of Maryland stood out among all of choices. What was the Focus area that let you come here and do your masters.

12:17:02 Yeah, absolutely. I would start with definitely why. Cybersecurity. It's very interesting.

12:17:09 When I was in my school, maybe 8th or 9th grade and I was newly introduced to Facebook. One of my schoolmate came, he was like, hey, I can just head your account.

12:17:18 I can get into your account. It's like seriously there's no way you can get into it because you don't know my password.

12:17:24 So there's no way you can get into it. I was like if you challenge me again too so I need to give me permission.

12:17:31 It's like okay sure go ahead. And he just did it in one day. So I was amazed.

12:17:33 It was like, wow, how did you date it? And then he taught me the method. And that's when I got much interested in the cybersecurity.

12:17:43 I just started digging more into cybersecurity learning about social engineering techniques, learning about how to graph the fishing page and all.

12:17:49 And that is where I thought that, okay, this is the area I'll be going. I'm making my career in it.

12:17:54 So I after my completion of school, I for information technology with specialization in cybersecurity and then again I in turn in a company where I get to learn about medicine testing when I was introduced about OAST top 10 and also methodologies.

12:18:10 And the whole area of cybersecurity and that is how I landed into cybersecurity. Now, coming to why this college, so I was very much focused that this is the specific area in which I want it to go.

12:18:22 So then I researched multiple universities on the internet on the Google. And then I found out that majority of universities are having.

12:18:31 Let's state masters in information systems as the computer science programs and then with a focus on cybersecurity.

12:18:40 But I just wanted to go. Masters in cybersecurity where you and this is stood out Also another part is that faculties are completely full-time working.

12:18:52 Faculties. So that day 2 job is the 2 9 to 5 working in corporate job and then from 7 to 90 take car lectures which also upbeat me more because that is what something which will keep me updated into the current Okay.

12:19:08 Totally agree to that point and that's like a fair point because I did my masters in information systems.

12:19:14 Specialization in cybersecurity and yours being masters in cybersecurity. So it's like drilling down more towards just cybersecurity because I did a couple of subjects.

12:19:25 From like an information systems aspect as well obviously having cyber subjects as well and the second point being Yeah, I had a lot of professors in my second semester where, you know, they were working with government institutions or they were working with corporate like private organizations and yeah they were teaching us and then they were telling us okay this happened okay I can't disclose much but this is one thing and you know a lot of other

12:19:56 Okay.

12:19:51 things for example during my time a lot of versioning of NIST came out and that they were telling us okay how the division happens how we're doing it and stuff like that.

12:20:06 Yeah.

12:20:02 So that's like the best thing in obviously it helps up with their connectors with. So that's fair point and I've heard a lot about University of Maryland.

12:20:14 What was your aspect towards the safety and all sort of like when we look up a college we also look up the place as well like the city.

12:20:23 So how did you perceive it since 2 years you've been here so how was it for you?

12:20:26 The city is quite good. The city is quite good, calm enough because everyone says that Maryland has high crime rate.

12:20:34 It's very, it's very dangerous. But it's dangerous if you go at certain amount of time I've said certain places in downtown or European visit places that are prohibited.

12:20:47 If I say I stay just one mile from the in your city and from the day one up to till now we do have settled every 20 min which takes us to the university.

12:20:57 But I take a walk to the university. It's just one mile and it's completely safe.

12:21:02 So you expect much good.

12:21:07 Yeah.

12:21:04 I trust you with that because it's been 2 years for you so yeah, it because wherever I travel through the Baltimore section you know if I had to go from like for example from New York to Washington or to and throw something.

12:21:18 Whatever, that is the best part when a lot of like amber alerts kicks in into a 4.

12:21:23 That's right.

12:21:25 So yeah, thanks for clarifying that as well because as a student that's something really important because I did my, grad from Atlanta as well.

12:21:34 That's fairly, you know, unsafe at a bit, but that's the fair point that you know if you're at the wrong hours at the wrong places.

12:21:42 Thanks.

12:21:46 Okay.

12:21:41 Nobody can save you actually. So yeah, thanks for sharing that. So, how is your, selection process?

12:21:53 Like, could you just walk us through when you were filling out the application form with University of Maryland? How did it go for you?

12:21:59 What were the requirements and how many stages did it took? We wanted to know like is there like a round one results then a round 2 results anything of that sort that you know that the college releases late early acceptances as well.

12:22:17 Yeah, absolutely. So I would say myself a COVID baby because I applied in 2022. So the process was quite simple, pretty simple.

12:22:27 Yeah, we do have couple of rounds for admission and simple. Yeah, we do have couple of rounds for admission and the results.

12:22:31 The 1st one will be definitely in December, in the results. The 1st one will be definitely in December.

12:22:36 The second would come in mid and the last one would be in March for international applicants. But I was running late.

12:22:41 I did my aisles. So all they need is 3 letters of recommendation and one statement of purpose.

12:22:47 NGRI was waved at my time. But even though I appeared for the same, you got performed well, let's not talk about that.

12:22:57 Okay, so I was running late. I completed my eyes in the end of January. I applied for the program in mid February and do my surprise within 2 days of my application.

12:23:09 I just got admitted in the university. So that was pretty much simple and then I had one letter of 3 letters of recommendation 2 from educational inst and one from my professional one where I was working in the company.

12:23:22 And one statement of Clerpless.

12:23:24 Okay, and there was nothing else that was needed. By the colleague.

12:23:27 No, no essays or no calls or no interviews. There's no video recording or anything.

12:23:33 Perfect. So that was like a quick one for you. You were already late, but still that was a quick one.

12:23:37 Yes, still, yeah. Good night.

12:23:38 For you. Oh, great. So, as part of the process like we've sat with a couple of most schooling from different colleges where they do have a mention of either scholarship or any sort of aid that the college provides.

12:23:55 Anything Did you apply through the application process or did you do it separately by going through the website, anything on the scholarship front or anything that can help you get a Bye, on the campus.

12:24:12 Sure. So part time is one thing getting on the campus and for scholarship. To be very honest, our department cybersecurity was relatively new compared to other departments in the university.

12:24:25 So our program is not called the regular MS program. Now it will be converted into a MS program, but earlier it was called Master of Professional Studies, which was MPS program.

12:24:35 And so our department did not had any kind of scholarships in it. We did not use to have, we did not use to have it.

12:24:44 However, when I came here and from my 1st year of university as any other student did, I started emailing professors of other departments.

12:24:51 That, hey, I'm looking for this in there and I have this colleagues and I have this.

12:24:57 Please look at my reservation. Luckily on the 1st day of my semester, I'll director sending email out to our department to our all our students that we have some kind of sponsorship available.

12:25:06 And just reply me with your assumptions if you are interested for some kind of I immediately I already had my zoom ready.

12:25:12 Thank you. On the 1st day of my, yeah.

12:25:22 Yeah.

12:25:18 Okay That's like the second lucky situation. But yeah. It's also your, you know, you're being proactive that you were all the time over the email, the communications.

12:25:30 Right. Absolutely.

12:25:32 Okay, it got selected. So that did. Fetch you any scholarship or any sort of weight like any sort of your tuition part of your tuition fees.

12:25:43 Right, so that did not help me in getting any sort of tuition, but however that helped me a lot financially

12:25:52 That's great.

12:25:52 Because the base keep a skill was quite high compared to any of that on campus. So yeah.

12:25:57 It was same like 20 h per week.

12:25:59 Same, same experience per week.

12:26:02 And you were working it like under a professor and performing a resource.

12:26:06 And the my director itself. We had the program itself.

12:26:09 Perfect, perfect. So there would have been a lot of learning and also that fetched you money as well.

12:26:17 Absolutely.

12:26:16 So if not scholarship, this is one day. So. Are there any like like you said, now it's getting converted into MS now?

12:26:24 So do you, like speculate that there would be any sort of scholarship for international students going for?

12:26:31 Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. In upcoming semester they're gonna be lot of scholarships are available.

12:26:36 Are you happy with that? Yeah.

12:26:38 Yeah. Good for other students. Yeah, I mean, why not?

12:26:43 Yeah, there's just a pinch in your heart that did not happen for us.

12:26:48 Hello, and I get my work done, so like I'm fine.

12:26:53 Yeah.

12:26:51 Yeah. It's either way, you know, if you are not getting that you should piece waved off, but you're still getting somehow from the array.

12:26:58 Right.

12:27:00 That's the thing. So a very funny question, a very quick one as well. Like why, like you said, your inclination towards cybersecurity, then you know the Maryland University, then why that inclination towards the United States of America not to any other foreign country?

12:27:19 What was your pick there?

12:27:20 So after working in India for 2 years, I was like, I'm kind of person who enjoys technical stuff.

12:27:27 I love doing ethical hacking but on the other side I'm also like I need to talk to someone.

12:27:33 I cannot just sit idle for hours and hours and do my work like okay I want to climb that corporate ladder I want to be a manager kind of thing.

12:27:42 Just like, okay, if I spend being technical so many years After a couple of years, I will be promoted to senior security engineer, let's say.

12:27:50 And after a couple of years, I might promote it to team lead and then manager. I might. That will be the time of taking pension I guess.

12:27:56 So I was like, okay. Okay, let's 2 masters. So if I might land a senior role.

12:28:04 Okay, now what to do. So I was thinking to do masters in India itself, but then in India doing after masters is like you are completely focused to academic research only.

12:28:17 So people doing matches in India are completely focusing academics only. I didn't want it to write a paper or published a journal or write a book of my own.

12:28:26 I wanted to be in the field. Like, okay, what's the other way of doing it?

12:28:29 So thought of doing MBA, which every engineer thought of doing it. Okay.

12:28:34 Do you also give a cat?

12:28:36 No, I didn't. I didn't get it. I just thought of going. Then Oh wow, great.

12:28:38 Thank you. I need the exam as well.

12:28:46 And on the other side I was also very much active in doing. On different platforms like Bugar or Hecker one, And also I was part of 3.

12:28:59 Now today's live is a kind of non-profit organization which helps in family reunion which collapse with the government and allows our people to help find missing people on the planet with the help of internet so those who know how to leverage Google Dogs and all of stuff.

12:29:15 As part of that I was taking part in the CTS and all and I learned a lot. It was like, okay, where do you have located?

12:29:22 It's in the States. If I see all the summits happening, blackhead again, U.S.A.

12:29:29 If I follow any influencer from Baghdad, let's say James Kidd or let's say Jason Haddocks. Where are they located? Again, U.S.A.

12:29:35 It's like, okay, this is the place I wanna go and learn more.

12:29:39 Fair point actually that's a fair point and I see everyone in anyone is here. Obviously they spread across to different states here, but the level of opportunity that you get here the level of exposure that you get here is fairly a lot as compared to other countries as well in here.

12:30:01 And over the current job market, it's a little difficult to support it, but somehow, How things were, it was very easy for people to transition and because there were a lot of opportunities in cybersecurity and the area that now if you see and go back like we do have couple of influencers who worry to media communications and now into bug bounty.

12:30:23 Great.

12:30:27 Got it.

12:30:24 So like I know because Farah is in Meta and she was into mass media and then she came here and There was it just looks smooth for us but obviously she would have given up a lot but you know things were easier the transition phase and you know understanding it and once you said bug bounty that was the 1st name that came into my head.

12:30:54 Got it. Yeah.

12:30:46 Spread across everywhere and with. Organization situated here because we have maximum organization like all of them actually. We're headquartered here and everything works from here like if you want to see where Mark is.

12:31:01 It's the US where, you know, other CEOs lives. It's just the US.

12:31:07 Absolutely.

12:31:07 So everything. Works from you. So that I understand it's for sure why it said the land of opportunities because everyone's here itself.

12:31:16 Bye.

12:31:16 So, point. That was I could see like University of Maryland had a very quick exposure on your end in terms of selection in terms of getting the RA.

12:31:27 So how was your visa process like I know for, 2,022 I know that was the worst time to get a visa.

12:31:37 How did it go for you?

12:31:37 Absolutely. Absolutely. So freezer process again, so when I got admission into the university, you know, there are a lot of documentation you need to go through in a to paper.

12:31:49 You need to have so I am opted for student loan so I need to go through the loan loan process and go called financial documents.

12:31:56 We're not getting slots at the time. I was working in the company at the time. And I have joined in number of telegram groups in which people used to say that, yeah, slots are available now.

12:32:06 Lots are available now. And the thing is the government restricted your access to the website for just 3 attempts.

12:32:13 But like every time you see on telegram that's not available, you go and your account gets lost.

12:32:17 Thank, okay, I don't know. Until July, mid July I didn't got my appointment and all of sudden one day I was taking a workshop on bug bounties in my company itself for instance and in the break I was like okay let's just try it one more time let's see what happens because I was on a notice period and I even asked my boss that if This didn't work out.

12:32:41 Continue again in the office. It was like, okay, I understand that because I thought I might need to differ it up the spring or next fall semester.

12:32:48 It's like who can fine with it? I understand. And in that break I just got appointment for the Delhi Consulate and also I was very much scared because in the Telegram group people were sharing their experiences that don't go to these consulate don't go on this window number people like there are not good and like very much over on with the information.

12:33:06 But then finally I got it.

12:33:07 You remembering my time, I just appeared for my VAC on second August and my interview on 5th August.

12:33:15 My flight was on 12th August. My orientation was 12th August. That I somehow skipped it.

12:33:21 Okay.

12:33:22 And yeah it was all bad so I remember a lot of folks telling in the telegram group that the Bombay consulate has like really difficult people.

12:33:35 So initially I got my appointment for the Bombay Consulate and then one day like one random day.

12:33:55 Bye.

12:34:01 Absolutely.

12:33:40 With the help of some of my friends I could just see okay there is a slot open in Delhi and it just quickly got it switched from Bombay to Delhi and that was the time I was like okay I can still like now let me look at like the Delicon select feedbacks like how video appointment was the worst spot like I didn't want to pay anything to the agent I was into the

12:34:05 Yeah, yeah.

12:34:07 same book. Everything just manifested and I was like, I can't, I am on notice.

12:34:11 Absolutely. So.

12:34:12 We did. I just can't go back. Like this would be big time embarrassing night.

12:34:19 You know, I got selected when I didn't get the bad thing and I have to go back and work again.

12:34:19 Okay. Okay.

12:34:22 So yeah, that was the difficult part and then you're packing also in between but you don't know that if your visa would come in.

12:34:30 Yes. And everyone keeps on asking where are you going when are you going when is an appointment

12:34:37 Okay.

12:34:34 Perfect. Yeah, let's just catch open this and then I was saying, I can't and then I'm emailing my professors in college that okay.

12:34:43 So my fee submission, they were second August. 5th August was my interview. Second was just maybe I see the biometrics.

12:34:56 Good night.

12:34:50 So I asked them like if I don't get selected I just don't want to pay the fees like there's no point for me to pay the so they gave me a leverage of 3 days that okay once you're through with your then do the payment.

12:35:05 So the day I got like, you know, the person asked me that. So answer question and that and said, the proof.

12:35:15 Okay.

12:35:13 I think you just ran, because you have to fill the phone, take the piece and get it all sorted.

12:35:20 So yeah, but how was your like what were the questions that were asked for you, when you were facing the ease officer.

12:35:25 V the internet? Yeah. R, again, I have been lucky all these times. They're dealing I went there 1st of all the atmosphere in the embassy is completely terrifying I mean it's not terrifying but you get terrified you get over when the interview is going on you are standing in the queue and you're saying that these officers are asking that the questions are pretty simple then why do you want to

12:35:45 go with in your cities and all? But you just get blank. However, which was not my case.

12:35:51 I went there, I submitted my passport and my eye 20 and the officer was very sweet lady. She was like, hey, good morning.

12:36:00 I was like, good morning, man. How are you doing? How's your day been so far?

12:36:03 So like, I'm good. Thank you so much for asking. And she didn't ask me, Yes, ma'am.

12:36:10 Like, and she replied. Welcome home retriever. Yeah.

12:36:17 Yeah, mascot.

12:36:14 Oh, that's your idea. The. The basket. Yeah, okay.

12:36:21 Okay, thank you so much.

12:36:21 That is like a rhetorical question, I guess. If you don't react at that time, they would like think, okay, he does not know that much also.

12:36:34 So

12:36:31 Right. Right. So no more question, such as like just welcome home briefly. Well, it's like, oh, thank you so much, man.

12:36:39 Have a good one.

12:36:39 Yeah, they also have a picture like, you know, because they also ask me just 2 questions, one is, why this university and this course And then, How are you financing yourself?

12:36:54 I just gave up the documents, but he was nowhere interested in seeing them. We just wanted to hear them like how are you financing them because with our college there was a scholarship attached as well.

12:37:08 Right.

12:37:06 Good with that that the amount is . But yeah, and Yeah, he just has 2 questions, but before me there was a guy whose visa got rejected because of some discrepancies in his DS 1 60.

12:37:21 And he lied about it and then the officer got really angry and I was just looking left and right that can you can somebody please change my window number can I just join a different line altogether because he was furious and I was scared that what if that thing comes up on me but when I when they and asking me to questions and I just said that and a way after that when he said that you'll get your passport in whatever mediums you have

12:37:51 requested. And yeah, but that's the worst part because the what you said the environment is very terrifying.

12:37:56 Thank you.

12:38:00 Absolutely.

12:37:57 Everyone's like suited and everyone's like with documents. There are people who are for the when we do, Visa, the people for renewal, the f 1 folks.

12:38:07 And

12:38:07 I doubt it myself that whether I'm undeterred or overdressed or whether I'm in proper entire to be called student or not.

12:38:22 Yeah.

12:38:16 I agree and then the lines are like from the like from outside the lines get started. And they check you as if like where are you going on what mission are you going inside it there's no phone you can't like do any.

12:38:28 Okay. Okay, the parents are eagerly waiting out there.

12:38:38 Okay.

12:38:33 Yeah, and then it's just more of like when you come out, you just sign them. Okay, it's done, you know, whatever, but, came outside, like, did not get approved for them.

12:38:45 There's a difficult portion of That's a fun part is when.

12:38:49 Okay.

12:38:51 Okay, so cut to the chase. We talked about all the before portions of you coming here.

12:38:59 How was the 1st 2 weeks here? Like if you can move. Like brutally honest. How do you take up the 1st 2 weeks?

12:39:08 In terms of the stay, terms of the food, the culture, like how were you perceiving it.

12:39:15 And for sure. So like never traveled US people, never traveled out of India before and taking such a long flight, bringing all of your things into suitcase and starting new life here.

12:39:27 It's completely amazing. So I already had a notion about the state which I have seen in movies that.

12:39:33 Hi, rise buildings, people working on the street, taxis and going to the clubs and doing party and all that stuff, which you've already seen in movies.

12:39:42 They show New York or some part of California or something like that. It's like, okay, I'm gonna have fun.

12:39:47 It will be fun so much. Having said that, I already know that I'm going to come to Maryland, Baltimore County.

12:39:53 Like, okay, it will be fair enough. And the day when I landed and when I came out of airport, it was like.

12:40:00 Wait. Where am I? This is not something I've signed up for. This is completely different.

12:40:07 What is this? I want to go back. That was my 1st reaction. My friend was here, he was studying in ASU.

12:40:15 Hey, thanks, Tim. Let hey, I'm here. He just smiled at me and he was like, welcome to the land of opportunities.

12:40:22 It's like, okay, okay. And. Good time when I landed I was on the airport I was waiting for my immigration to be done And I was so excited because I haven't seen how the outer world is here.

12:40:36 So I was calling my friends, Kalima related that, hey, I've reached. Hey, hey, I'm here. Look at the airport.

12:40:41 We're getting the people look look look look and. The people are completely different. Everyone in line was, hey.

12:40:48 I'll say, oh, you're in U.S.A. You're in U.S.A. Talk slow and are my nature voice is completely loud and everyone could hear even the officer might have heard it.

12:40:58 Like, hey, Docsler, what is this? We have your test. Like, okay, sorry.

12:41:02 Sorry, man. Completely different. And yeah, so the marketplace is currently accessible from my place just 1 min walk.

12:41:11 So they're Dave and I game here. I didn't do anything. I landed at 4 30 and I reached home by 8.

12:41:18 So I was not jetted at all. I just had some dinner and slept. So the next day I went.

12:41:24 I was about to go to the tour for university. With one of my friends and I was wearing shorts because I haven't unpacked anything and I asked him that hey is it fine if I come in shorts to the university.

12:41:38 It was like it's completely fine if even if you remove all of your clothes. Like what? I find it completely different.

12:41:45 When I went to the supermarket, things are completely different. Over and with so many products, like one tomato catch up, there are a hundred types of tomato gadget.

12:41:54 Like Which one do you eat, which one do not? And things are, even the fruits and everything are so much bit inside.

12:42:01 It's like, wow That's well. Yes.

12:42:02 Yeah, and you know the 1st couple of days are just the overwhelming times. I haven't as well like, moved anywhere apart from Delhi and then my hometown nowhere else that I've gone or internationally so there was no option at all.

12:42:22 Yeah, we're really different. The scenario was really different and there were a lot of like rules and regulations, you know, just across the road.

12:42:31 Good night.

12:42:32 You know, teams. Very normal when we talk about it because we've spent now 2 years doing the same things.

12:42:43 Good night.

12:42:39 Now we know like which tomatoes to pick up which section is our favorite, you know. Snack items and anything.

12:42:47 So we've done that been through that time. I've still stood there converted dollar into INR and then thought of like which is like the lowest one let's just try with that.

12:42:57 So So done that and you know. We just gives you a sense of independence that you know now if you want to eat one time of meal it's You have to go back.

12:43:11 So I just want to ask you like did you know cooking or did you learn before coming here?

12:43:15 Well, absolutely. I'm very much fond of cooking. So I can. Everything I know everything you name it and I can cook it.

12:43:23 So they was not the hard part for me.

12:43:22 Yeah. That's amazing. I did not know how to cook when I came into the college. My roommate was really generous enough to cook me all sorts of Indian delicacies and I used to have it but yeah it's the job like while searching for the job and then after I shifted here it's when I started cooking and now I fairly like it like I would not say in your in your way that I

12:43:53 Okay.

12:43:49 love it. Like I would not say in your in your way that I love it like I would not say in your in your way that I love it like it's still I like it so I'm still not reach that love it.

12:43:58 So I'm still not reached that love. It's section. But yeah, that's like it. So I still not reach that love it section.

12:44:05 Yeah.

12:44:04 But yeah, that's like another, portion where, you know, there are overwhelming you know it's different as compared to India like I don't know about on other countries but with India it's different that we get like the smaller sections of it because it's like .

12:44:13 Yeah.

12:44:15 So Couple of things that I was also overwhelmed but I agree like your 1st couple of days would have gone into opening an account.

12:44:24 And getting all your documentation sent like what all things that you have done along with your group, like your friends are good.

12:44:34 Yes, so we were very much used to with the nightlife kind of thing in India and I landed in Baltimore County and at 7 I see there's no one on the Lights have been turned off people close of the restaurants.

12:44:49 I'm like this is the time to get business done We have the mall nearby. And normal working hours of them all in week days is up to 8 PM.

12:45:00 From 11 to 8 pm and on weekends where they should keep it more open, they close it off at 5 PM.

12:45:04 So what is this? Come on. And to my mindset, I also changed initially as you said that for let's say example, $4 for a gallon of milk and now it's like okay $4 a step and go then kind of think about the change.

12:45:18 Yeah.

12:45:17 Yeah, because eventually you get into that habit that For us you were converting it into Now you're just sticking to that currency that.

12:45:26 Correct.

12:45:29 Right.

12:45:26 $4 is 4 you just don't go back like once you start earning get into that space.

12:45:35 You know, you stop sticking to this 4, 5, 6, but during the student life it was a lot.

12:45:43 It was a lot that you know.

12:45:49 Okay.

12:45:41 Absolutely. But that created that created a, well, during the recent trip to India. Because I was then converting in between $2.

12:45:53 So even if like ₹500, 700, you'll be okay. These are these many dollars I can afford it.

12:45:57 Ex.

12:46:00 Yeah.

12:45:56 Yeah, like the upgrade is fairly easy like if it goes above like 10,000 IRS where you still okay with that because it's still not touching.

12:46:07 Right.

12:46:11 Really?

12:46:09 So you know you're still under that and you can still do a lot of things. So that was one thing that I was really amazed about and then when I did my university toward you know what I saw in a American shows.

12:46:24 Right.

12:46:21 I was actually able to feel that like, you know, And I do, I did my undergrad from a girls college.

12:46:29 So this was my 1st exposure to a co-ed college in that 2 in the States. So it was altogether different and, you know, you go to a specific place, submit your documents and then take a tour, see the library, stuff like that.

12:46:43 But then your classes are held at a different location. And all of those things and getting a bank account open, getting a credit card, you get to know people don't use their cards here at the only.

12:46:54 Yeah.

12:46:54 There's no OTP here. So a lot of things to get used to. Now I also think if they send OTPs to get used to.

12:47:05 Now I also think if they send OTPs, they would take 2, 3 extra seconds. But.

12:47:08 Yeah, there is a Sure.

12:47:08 Yeah, I would still stick to it. I still remember we did have like a good debate.

12:47:15 In our class in one of our class on a major news thing where we were talking about this thing and I could just see everyone was so much opposing on that fact that oh if you would just A snatcher convenience of, you know, getting things quickly.

12:47:29 Alright.

12:47:29 Because everything is like that and go and go. But no, it's dangerous like that and it's gone.

12:47:37 Absolutely.

12:47:37 It's so. That was the thing. Anything else that you wanna add on of

12:47:44 Yeah, sure. I mean, you remember the section in IRS or said to fare where used?

12:47:49 If you have listening section and in which there we used to listen conversation between 2 people or say the group when they explained the map of the university.

12:47:58 Yeah.

12:47:58 And the time I was like, why do we need this? You just go and ask them and you can simply Google it.

12:48:03 But after coming in here, I was like, okay, you need a. If I'm the person who keeps me up of my university taking my phone now.

12:48:15 Perfect. Yeah.

12:48:08 Yeah, I do as well because for my university as well it was not a 1 stop shop it was spread of different data and just not downtown it's somewhere else as well so you need to know like where are the places.

12:48:23 Exactly.

12:48:25 That's it for that map. I would agree and coming down to US whatever national parks or places have gone through. I've always taken a map.

12:48:33 Yeah.

12:48:35 Okay, this. You have to go there. Okay, we have to go this much miles. Okay, this year you have to go there. Okay, you have to go this much miles.

12:48:39 So that helps. Here I understand that fact.

12:48:40 Because there there's no one you can ask to in India you realize this ghost red take left and after reaching there ask someone Yes, they're going to ask someone.

12:48:50 Oh, what about like the food in or around the college or where you live or in the city itself?

12:49:01 Okay.

12:49:04 Was it difficult for you?

12:48:58 Food as in I'm pure vegetarian. I don't even need X. So It would have been difficult if It would have been difficult if I didn't know.

12:49:09 Okay, however I know this stuff, it's been easy for me. Yeah, still I have explored.

12:49:16 Different American

12:49:14 When you go out, yeah, when you go out, take whatever because I'm also vegetated like, I'm allergic to eggs and I don't consume on which.

12:49:25 So when I came here I somehow had to have chicken because My inclination was towards like to save up more money because what I saw was vegetarian meals.

12:49:35 Were fairly expensive. Like the weekend side was fairly expensive as compared to the non which platters. So how was it for you?

12:49:42 Yeah, absolutely. So I haven't tried much knowledge. I haven't read at all. Notice, but I've definitely explored different veg restaurants and I find it quite expensive and I find it quite expensive and every time when I go there and typical Indian.

12:49:55 Stuff I do is like okay I can make this in this money. Done us at home. So this come at my place and I'll make it for you.

12:50:02 Yeah.

12:50:04 Bye. Was the like the Indian grocery store and everything accessible? Do they had everything? In the city and that could be used at raw materials for your cooking.

12:50:18 Oh, perfect.

12:50:15 Yes, absolutely. We have, Hey, at our list it's just 10 min drive from a place and we do have linear city shutters which takes us there for the student so yeah.

12:50:26 No, it's not.

12:50:31 Absolutely.

12:50:27 Just to get in understanding the shuttle is free of cost for the students. And then they take you like to different stops.

12:50:36 It could be either universities or any other places and then you can just get off get things done and then get on the same shuttle and come back.

12:50:43 Correct, correct. We have 5 different routes. In basic majority they have selected the routes in which international students live.

12:50:50 So we have 5 different routes and constantly at every 20 or 30 min there's 1 shuttle running in that particular app.

12:50:57 So I live in one route. But, well, there's in in another route. So what I used to do is I take a bus from my place, come to the university, which acts like a junction and then I take another shuttle and go to the patrol store and come back.

12:51:09 Oh, perfect. That's, I guess that's fair. Like, we do not have such facility back in our college.

12:51:21 Right.

12:51:17 We have to actually take the trains and go to the places or maybe ride with someone like who had a car, maybe take a cab together.

12:51:28 So that's like a fair thing that it's easier for you travel time is cut shot.

12:51:30 Yes.

12:51:30 Okay, so apart from your, curriculum. What were the other activities? In terms of a university, you know, societies or student groups that you were part of any you know, sort of any competitions or any societies that you were part of for the past 2 years in terms of community experience.

12:51:54 Sure. So I've been part of Cated group music community. So I've tried doing stand-up, standup committee or the improv comedy.

12:52:04 I always played salute and I've started learning violin as well. So I'm taking private violent lessons in the music community and several friends here as well.

12:52:14 Again, I am more into fitness as well. So I've been doing gym. I'm into weight lifting club and running club as well.

12:52:22 And recently I've started doing swimming.

12:52:32 Yes.

12:52:24 That's a lot like that's that's Lord and it's something really good that you're working on yourself learning new things and but anything related to like any sort of student groups that you were part of any sort of student groups where you were part of any learning groups, any sort of for student groups that you were part of any learning groups or, or of like.

12:52:43 Regarding

12:52:43 We yeah, we used to have our Hacker's META, which I'm bad of it.

12:52:49 It doesn't matter. We used to meet every week One every week we used to have meeting for let's say 2 or 3 are where we used to invite different guests or say professionals from the industry where they used to come and share their knowledge and people can reach out to them for further exploration and all.

12:53:06 And also I have participated in international CDF, which is organized by U.S.A. Last year it was there in Japan.

12:53:13 I was qualified for that but I didn't went there somehow to Okay. But yeah, I've been part of the hackers.

12:53:20 No, that's amazing. And, any sort of conferences like related to cybersecurity or anything that you took part as as being a student at University of Maryland or representing the college and being part of, you know, conferences like, and being part of a couple of conferences that happens around full and or any other the local meetup or any other the local meetup or, or any other the local meetup or local chapter meters that you were part of

12:53:49 or.

12:53:48 Right, right. I participated in saying, several bit more local chapters for Hackers meta.

12:53:55 Also, you NBC has his particular conference called Hack UMBC, which happens every fall in which they organized 3 DF, which runs 24 h through whole week.

12:54:07 So that is what I'm part of. And where we grouped. We, yeah, we are into teams and we have several tasks to complete.

12:54:16 We compete against each other and even student outside of you and visit and take part into it as well.

12:54:20 Oh, that's great. And like, do, do you want it to attend like Black Hat or maybe besides an all that happened for the past 2 years when you're planning for this year to be part of them.

12:54:34 And any sort of support you have from the university like does you and BC, like give you a scholarship or like sort of sponsor you that you are going as part as a student, anything of that sort in the past 2 years that you know of.

12:54:50 Yes, definitely. You, MISSED, definitely supports people who want to go to Blackhead or besides any conferences.

12:54:57 You just need to register on our portal. You need to fill out a form that why don't need a scholarship and what do you think you are qualified for this scholarship and you do share your driver plans as well which does not hinder your semester as well and then once they review it, most likely your to be approved for the scholarship.

12:55:15 Okay.

12:55:14 Wherein they might, provide you something for your travel reimbursement or something like that.

12:55:25 Yeah.

12:55:22 Okay, okay, that's helpful, I guess. And you can visit this year as well because we now have it in August.

12:55:31 Absolutely.

12:55:30 The high as well. Okay, one last thing before we head down like before we close off like the.

12:55:39 Got current discussions at the college and how many things. So picky packing on the same point, any sort of events that you attended.

12:55:48 To link in or through any other social media platform all through your curriculum and that helped you in some ways that you want to share that others can also take part into.

12:55:59 I mean. Attending events that have been happening on LinkedIn. I haven't got chance to attend any of them in person, but from the local chapters I have been part of and also what I used to do is not only the U.S.A. but also used to keep eye on India as well so there are lot of online workshops happening there as well so I used to participate in them as well.

12:56:24 Yeah

12:56:21 Yeah, that's time difference is funny, but somehow you can still. Make up for it because it's late for you but it's like all your hours per year and still you can be part of it.

12:56:30 Absolutely.

12:56:32 Okay, so okay, now we have in Lens talked about the curriculum, the visa process. How was the scenario for you the 1st couple of days and all other community experience that one could get in and it's very widespread for you like swimming to violin.

12:56:51 To fitness and everything and it's really important for you to have that personal and professional balance as well.

12:56:56 But just one quick question from my and how are you making up time with all these things? Like we just have 24 h, how are you making it up for the college assignments, then going to college, then the groceries and all cleaning and all then the classes, the community work, how are you managing it?

12:57:14 Okay.

12:57:14 Absolutely. So for cooking part, what I used to do is I have a sorted meal plan. That these are the things I'm gonna eat for throughout this week.

12:57:25 So I have multiple boxes, which I do is I prep through these as I prep subjects and all throughout the V.

12:57:36 I actually get them drop, keep it in the fridge. As soon as I go home, I just make it.

12:57:39 Take it as it is. Now for the classes part, I used to have my on campus job from 8 am to 3 pm.

12:57:48 And I used to have my classes from 7 pm to 9 pm in that 2 1 3 days a week not every day on the week right and job was on every day.

12:57:58 Basically up to 20 h. So in the middle in the buffer time I used to go to gym.

12:58:05 I used to play tennis or I used to go for swimming and also stuff. That is where I used to myself.

12:58:10 Yeah.

12:58:23 Right.

12:58:09 That's a good balance, you know, you, because I get to hear this like everyone is on the go here you just can't stop and if you think like you've done everything you just remember okay the cleaning was skinned or I could not trip up on this part or you know anything of that sort.

12:58:33 Right.

12:58:29 So you're always on the go here when you talk about both the sites like studies and. Explos. Okay, so how was your job experience?

12:58:39 I know since 2022 since we landed up here. The job market is really thin and it has wasn't with the ones that we've gone through.

12:58:49 So how is it going on for you?

12:58:52 Well, currently I'm in the multiple series of interview. I've been applying. Actively on LinkedIn and other platforms as well.

12:59:01 But what I have noticed so far is the incident of hosting being ghosted where recruiters People call or you are in second round of interview and then again you don't hear back from them.

12:59:15 Sometimes what I have noticed is that and you can call with recruit that. They're checking their currently and they're like, okay, I'm, I'm good with this caller at this particular time.

12:59:23 And just before the minute of that particular time they're like okay I'm sorry I cannot do this for you and the on the next day you receive an email that this application has been closed because someone else has been selected and other stuff.

12:59:40 Right.

12:59:35 Yeah. And especially heard that a lot that someone else internally has been chosen up for that. And that's when you start doubting yourself that we don't know where we're lacking also.

12:59:47 It's not like we getting rejected for something that we don't know. Hold off. There's no sponsorship or We don't know that it's like a magic position because the ghost does for months and it like I have been ghosted for like from like multiple recruiters from like big time tier one organizations and I don't know for what reasons.

13:00:24 Yeah.

13:00:09 So that is one challenge that I've heard from everyone who has come and talked about the job market that this is just happening since, 2022 that people are just hosting you and not letting you know because it's more of like you let us know you're not, ing you and not letting you because it's more of like you let us know you're not selected it's good if you let us know you're not selected it's

13:00:27 good if you let us know you're not selected. It's good. If you link plus somehow psychologically it gets into our head that we are selected, maybe they're just taking time.

13:00:31 Yeah.

13:00:32 Every bigger organization takes like 4 to 5 months to give you an offer. So It's the worst part.

13:00:40 So

13:00:37 Absolutely. Recently attended. Sorry to cut you there. Recently attended a career fair where there was some big organization.

13:00:47 I won't name it. I went that the head of the team was there. It was like, okay, are you okay to interview on the spot right now?

13:00:57 To be interviewed. I was like, okay, I'm absolutely fine. It was like, okay, we had a separate door in there.

13:01:02 We went that, he took my interview. He was like, okay. We want someone like your skills we want someone like you.

13:01:08 Who have intermediate kind of experience, not very experienced, not completely fresher, but you want someone like you.

13:01:14 Like, okay, news like. Mail me in 2 days if I don't mail you bed.

13:01:21 I was like, okay. And it has been 2 months I haven't heard back from him.

13:01:34 Diet.

13:01:26 I know, I know and At a point we just feel embarrassed of asking them that What is the update?

13:01:37 And I am just not talking about, you know, smaller local organization. They're like big, local organization.

13:01:47 Right.

13:01:44 They're like, I'm just not talking about, you know, a smaller local organization. They like big full-fledged organization like they have their names in everybody's house but still somehow they don't.

13:01:51 And that's the worst part that we have all seen it and obviously a couple of us are seeing it as well and it's really difficult to line up that job being international because We do look for a job that gives us sponsorship.

13:02:03 That's the most important one. But at a point I was also bent down to go for the one which just does not give the sponsorship.

13:02:14 Right. Right.

13:02:11 He's a get one and do not hit my unemployment So that's another thing, but. We can just have a moment here to you know ask you what a couple of the couple of rules that you're looking out for like rigorously applying to and what are the skills support that so that anyone who is listening to this podcast night right now who is recruiting or know whoever is recruiting Okay.

13:02:40 Yeah, perfect. My photo lies in. We're interested in testing, whether it be web application or mobile application or network based application for mobile I would go for Android and iOS only.

13:02:51 As I've been learning. Since few days but not much into it but Android I'm good with it.

13:02:59 So I'm looking for security and I'm looking for a condition tester kind of role. S.

13:03:04 Mine kind of stuff

13:03:11 Right.

13:03:04 And yeah, and obviously you do have 2 years of work eggs. You did have worked under the director of your program as an, you have a lot of experience there as well and plus the 2 year classroom knowledge where you have worked on your time projects, your time analysis, that is just like an added like a cherry on the top and obviously you're a master student now so you have both the degrees plus experience so I would really

13:03:31 want to request everyone who ever is listening kindly reach out to China. We have his, LinkedIn ID in the description probably there we can start up and help him.

13:03:40 If there are any sort of that you know often you or somebody who is hiding. So that would really help them.

13:03:47 So, with that being said, One thing on the drop thing before we just head onto the closing section is with the current job market because it's really tricky.

13:04:02 It's really thing not a lot of job getting. Is there any sort of university aid university help or support you getting in terms of you know any role that they could give you as part of.

13:04:15 You know being employed at the university or being under working under a professor or anything of that sort.

13:04:22 Yeah, so as I've already worked under my director of the program, I have made him I have made a couple of other professors as well in which I feel their research work is really good and which I am particularly interested and I wanted to learn more.

13:04:38 We are definitely ready to help me even if graduate and if I want to continue with their research program. So that is helpful.

13:04:46 As well.

13:04:49 You and me.

13:04:47 Like you and BC professors and And how supportive is the alumni group in those sense that have you been connecting to anyone from the

13:04:58 Alright, so alumni group I would say they are very much supporting, but having said that you're in the field of cybersecurity where most of the work is done.

13:05:07 In the federal sector and for that you need to have clearance that is the one obstacle which I'm facing correctly.

13:05:15 At the, other than the alumni you got is alumni group is very much supported.

13:05:29 Right.

13:05:17 That's amazing. That's amazing. Yeah, I understand with Federal you do have to have clearance and even for you know, like I did applied for a lot of organizations where the project was for the government and you needed some sort of clearance where the project worked for the government and you needed some sort of clearance or anything of that sort .

13:05:40 Right.

13:05:34 Like the initial call with the recruiter. It's just 2 min and okay bye thank you so much that are any such positions that do not require clearance So that's 1 trick there as well that being on f 1 and then 2 starting with OPT that's a challenge there.

13:05:53 Initially I was hesitant to ask to include that whether you will be able to sponsor me or not but nowadays in screening call even I just go and add that listen we can continue if you can sponsor me like okay fine

13:06:09 Yeah Yes.

13:06:06 Okay, 5 6 calls you just become shameless. I also know order, like, my time talking to 10 min because it's like, tell them everything.

13:06:16 This this and then this wants to So.

13:06:16 Yeah. Yeah. So after an hour and long of call, they ask you the question. You say, I just begin with that question only now.

13:06:27 That's fair. I get it. With time I also started that question as 1st that you know there's no other medium.

13:06:34 But yeah, I'm heading to the end now. We talked about a lot of different things and it was really helpful.

13:06:41 To whoever would want to come to you and we see this year next year at any time and you being the integral point of contact through this podcast and ITSP magazine that you know you can help those folks you are helping though with your community work that you're doing that's really commendable but at the end just one question.

13:07:03 I wanted to put you up, again, on the spotlight that, One or multiple advises that you wanted to share here with your experience.

13:07:12 Being being a student now heading to the alumni group of UMBC. Do you want to give it out to the incoming, students as well?

13:07:21 Yeah, sure. One thing what I've learned here is that if you are honest and if you ask what you want, you'll definitely get it because the things in India, it might be different because in India what people do is they want something else they ask for something else they have things in their mind Yet you just name it and it will be pretty much clear, pretty much simple for you if you want some scholarship

13:07:45 teachers won't come and give you you need to ask them if you need an opportunity you just don't wait for it go and ask for it.

13:07:52 That will make it simple.

13:07:56 Yeah.

13:08:04 Yeah

13:07:54 Speaking up is really important to our app. Eventually, you know, that classroom raising hands and then emailing those things really would work there because You things for me also worked out for me to speak up.

13:08:09 And talk about those things putting your friend that people can understand it because obviously you are sitting around a very diverse group.

13:08:18 And it's very important for you to put up your thoughts or your solutions or your request. Oh, for that.

13:08:25 Right.

13:08:31 Absolutely. Absolutely.

13:08:28 And somehow people are helpful here if it's in their, reach they are. So that's like well said and there was a great 1 h that we sat and discussed about a lot of things.

13:08:41 I hope it's helpful to a lot of folks and yes we have all of your handles in the description so that people could reach you out.

13:08:48 We could fill up your inboxes with questions and others that we couldn't discuss out here. But thank you so much for being on ITSP magazine and sharing your experiences.

13:08:58 My pleasure. Thank you so much